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Showing posts from August, 2021

Sneaker Wishes

Dear [Insert Your Child’s Name Here]   It’s the night before school starts. A lot of changes are coming. Your first-day clothes are next to your bed. Your pristine sneakers are waiting alongside your brand-new backpack with a supply bag filled with freshly sharpened pencils, an eraser that awaits your first do-over, a not-yet-dried-out glue stick, a shiny new pair of scissors and a brand-new box of crayons that smells like happiness and potential. You are ready, sweet one. You are growing up so quickly and those untarnished sneakers will carry you farther away from the days of strollers and spill-proof snack containers filled with Cheerios and Goldfish. Those shoes are going to take you on adventures that we cannot imagine tonight. Some of those adventures you will like, some you won’t, and some will fall in the “that was so-so” middle. I sewed some invisible wishes in the soles of your shoes so that they go with you, wherever those adventures lead.    Wish #1.   That you find friends